govuk-frontend have just changed the padding in their govuk-main-wrapper mixin. We should change our Page.Main component to match
Govuk js is imported dynamically and given names with webpack magic comments as follows:
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
const { default: ButtonJS } = await import(
The default assets path assume there is directory with assets at ```/assets/```.
For example ```/assets/images/loupe.svg``` .
This is declared in ```@id-sk/frontend/idsk/components/search-results…
govuk-frontend JS is currently being imported from the npm module but as per https://github.com/alphagov/govuk-frontend/issues/711 there are issues with this - it results (I think) in duplicated polyf…
govuk-frontend has several different types of paragraph styles as can be seen here:
Right now we support a (simple) LeadParagraph…
Hello 👋
We’ve noticed for a while that prototype kit and GOV.UK Frontend examples keep the “Back link” and “Phase banner” outside landmark regions.
i.e. They’re not in a ``, `` or ``.
This t…
My config: Apple M2 chipset running Sonoma 14.3 OS. node -v: 20.11.0, rpm -v: 10.2.4.
I ran into node-sass compatibility issues when building the example module. Needed to change to using dart-sass…
Running the component guide locally (http://whitehall-frontend.dev.gov.uk/component-guide/), most if not all of the links within it appear to be broken.
For example, the link to the button componen…
Where are a component is deemed to be in line with govuk-frontend, we should introduce unit tests that validate that the html output of the React component is identical to that of govuk-frontend's nun…
## What
Review and remove references to 14 on the typography scale from guidance on the website. There are currently 2 references to 14 on the website:
1. [The font size override classes](https://…