- https://grpc.io/docs/quickstart/
- https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/gotutorial
- zh: https://doc.oschina.net/grpc?t=56831
Could you, please, add the practical guide for building a blockchain from scratch in Go
I've developed a blockchain from scratch in Go with gRPC for learning purposes. I've also written the …
At the moment buf.build domain is inaccessible from Russia, therefore the whole go-grpc-middleware package is inaccessible for usage because of the `buf.build/gen/go/bufbuild/protovalidate/protocolbuf…
## Flaky Test
### Which jobs are failing
2024-09-23T03:39:56.2313772Z === RUN TestAPI/TestFollowerForward
2024-09-23T03:39:56.2314415Z === NAME TestAPI
2024-09-23T03:39:56.2345476Z t…
### Pre-requisites
- [X] I have double-checked my configuration
- [X] I have tested with the `:latest` image tag (i.e. `quay.io/argoproj/workflow-controller:latest`) and can confirm the issue stil…
### Describe the issue you're reporting
In affected releases of gRPC-Go, it is possible for users to send HTTP/2 requests, cancel them, and send subsequent requests, which is valid by the HT…
### Checklist
- [X] I agree to the terms within the [OpenFGA Code of Conduct](https://github.com/openfga/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
### Describe the problem you'd like to have solved
### Impacted tests
- TestAccComputeResizeRequest_computeMigResizeRequestExample
### Affected Resource(s)
- google_compute_resize_request
### Failure rates
- 100% (1 failed out of la…
### What version of gRPC are you using?
v1.65.0 works, 1.66.2/1.67.0 cause most gRPC xDS based requests to fail with error
rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = xds: error received from xDS str…