MWE using dolfinx:
from mpi4py import MPI
import vedo
import numpy as np
import dolfinx
import dolfinx.io
mesh = dolfinx.UnitCubeMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 1, 1, 1, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.he…
Problem #1: The water texture isn't working properly. It doesn't seem to be getting the texture properly so the water shader keeps turning white and blue, with no animation.
As I was working on reproducible magick logo (#230) I imported a couple of SVGs and tried rendering Rstudio's `fontawesome` icons (which renders valid SVG code).
It could be useful to have a funct…
Sometimes running your _p and _n (or _so) modules via the parun cli is not convenient. You can also run directly with a python script. There is a module proteus.iproteus that helps set up the pro…
Hello All,
I don't have an issue with scikit-fem so much as I have a general question of use.
I'd like to take a beam, constrain one end then displace the other end, but not just in translatio…
We are trying to run the Sedov blast problem in Laghos on a simple tetrahedral mesh. However, the problem terminates in the first time step with the following output:
As it stands, there are lots of different HexMeshes that are likely to exceed the vertex maximum of individual meshes (rivers, culture, and roads at the very least). Modify HexMesh so that it can spli…
Culture is being triangulated and subdivided but isn't appearing in the game. It seems like its color information isn't being communicated properly, or perhaps it's not being interpreted correctly by …
No multi-block stuff, no AMR stuff. No nonsense. Just a logically rectangular hexahedral mesh, with cells having 6 faces, 8 nodes, 12 edges. With boxes of cells that can be partitioned to different pr…
A hexmesh_box_t struct represents an irreducible set of cells that are hosted in a contiguous block on a process. This simplifies the domain decomposition process, but introduces another level of gran…