I noticed that the Homewizard update added something called a IP switch: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.homewizard.nl%2Fnieuws%2Fh…
I have a Somfy sunscreen connected to my Homewizard. it is working but not correct
in the "home" app the state is closed when openend en the other way around.
is het any solution for this to invert…
hi there
i have a rapberrypi 3 with raspbian jessie updated to the latest version.
homebridge-homewizard 0.0.59
When i start homebridge al runs well, no errors, i…
With your "snoop" sketch at https://github.com/ghoss/HomeWizard I have the telegrams from the handheld transmitter of the company Smartwares "Flamingo SF-501 Control" to a so-called intermediate socke…
Hi, I use a Cresta/TFA windmeter (used on my old Homewizard). All is going well except the battery status is always 'empty'. I replaced the solar powered Accu, and the 2-AA batteries. Which of the two…
This seems fairly straight forward
h0bb3 updated
2 weeks ago
When I have 1 light on, and I Say all lights on. The light that is allready on wil go in dimmer set mode. And will go to 100% and back to 0% and then back again to 100% and so on. Is there a fix for t…
In de app staat het verbruik in kWh en kWh per dag met bijbehorende kosten (dus ook in de API)
Is er een mogelijkheid om dit ook in deze integratie te krijgen?
Daarnaast heb ik in mijn Fork ook al…
Is het mogelijk om de Asun-650 aan te sturen met open/dicht.
Bij de "type" kan ik de volgende mogelijkheden invullen: Lightbulb, Outlet, Switch, Fan. Of zijn er nog ander varianten?
I have some unparsed replies in my telegram data :
Unable to parse line: 1-0:1.4.0(00.255*kW)
Unable to parse line: 1-0:1.6.0(230903114500S)(02.762*kW)
Unable to parse line: 0-0:98.1…