Обновил GnuCash до версии 5, а плагин до версии 0.6. Сейчас при попытке получить онлайн котировки не происходит ничего. Процесс запускается, идёт, однако новые данные о ценах не приходят.
При попыт…
When I click on download the file, a new tab opens with only one line written in it:
IEX_CLOUD_API_TOKEN = 'Tpk_059b97af715d417d9f49f50b51b1c448'
What should I do?
# Choosing the right Open API
- 후보 1. : 하루 20건의 조회만 가능하고, 제공되는 데이터의 기간을 지정할 수 있고, Unix Time으로 제공된다.
- 후보 2. : 하루 100건의 조회가 가능하고, 제공되는 데이터의 기간를 지정할 수 없고, Unix Time으로 제공된다.
- 후보 3. : 하루 800건의 …
Adapt the tests to use the sandbox API key.
Hello! I am facing JSON Decode Error when running the below code.
symbol_groups = list(chunks(stocks['Ticker'],100))
symbol_strings = []
for i in range(0, len(symbol_groups)):
I am getting a 403 error when making API call for AAPL around minute 41 of the video. Is this because it is deprecated? Is there a work around?
Очень не хватает информации (candles history) по индексам (RTS/MOEX, SP500). Было бы здорово, если появится такая возможность. Для внутридневных роботов это очень важные данные.
Consider this a running list of new data sources we should add.
I was reading through the [`pandas_datareader` *see-also* docs](https://pydata.github.io/pandas-datareader/stable/see-also.html) as p…
**Describe the bug**
I have been trying to create documentation on how another developer can start and contribute to the features of this application. (Ex. Adding the environment variables to path,…
Add API links to this repo rather than keeping in browser bookmarks