Hi all
GOAL: run lorawan on ST B-L072Z-LRWAN1 with freertos
I can compile the code available on https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node on a saclay lorawan node specifying as platform the B-L0…
I try go-rpio with an Orange PI Lite board to toggle the BCM pin 6 but it does not work. I note that the board works fine with WiringOP and .net iot. Does go-rpio actually support Orange PI boards?
_From @arky on December 10, 2015 12:2_
It is cheaper now to have onboard WiFi onto the development boards. Adding support for basic networking by default would make IoT solutions much easier.
1. 分类bsp,根据yml文件来解析可以用的bsp
每个toolchain下面对应bsp 然后python根据yml文件,来过滤需要编译的bsp 目录,如果目录不在yml中,就不编译,
3. 或者根据每个bsp下面的yml文件中的介绍来判断。
The source code unfortunately doesn't work with any Arduino Nano 33 board (IoT, BLE, BLE Sense). In case they aren't supposed to be supported, I'd suggest to update the `README.md` accordingly. [Here'…
I have compiled and uploaded the three following sketches, on two different laptops:
- [SimpleAccelerometer.ino](https://github.com/arduino-libraries/Arduino_LSM6DS3/blob/37e37457e69467ca2a51aaf6d2e0…
master branch does not build with poky dizzzy
One benefit to backport to older version, is to provide a basic support for Tizen Yocto too.
More about it at :
It seems I can't select a bare FPGA chip as a target, only a dev board. In theory it seems like it would be super easy to add support for the bare chips because [all of the variants of at least the LP…
**[ UUID ]** 84369271-9861-49ca-99f4-48e3b461cf2b
**[ Session Name ]** Learn and Create IoT
**[ Primary Space ]** Youth Zone
**[ Secondary Space ]** Web Literacy
**[ Submitter's Name ]** Taichi Isa…