I was using the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect and trying to use the SdFat library with IrRemote.
This problem was continuously popping in my output as the #define F in the SysCall.h file conflicted wit…
At first, thank You for great project!
I am trying to use infrared and rf (315MHz) remote controllers with my homemade relay controller. Thanks to your library I can flip relays from HA as w…
#define pinSensorIR 11
IRrecv sensorIR(pinSensorIR) ;
decode_results codigoIR;
void setup() {
void loop () {
if (sensorIR.dec…
I can't get the library to work with an attiny 85 which has it's pwm on pin 5 (D0)
Where can I change the pin in the library and what's the advantage of this library compared to the original I…
I was looking at the specs for the Robot IR Sensor library that comes packaged with arduino. It's robust but I want to look into trying shirriff/Arduino-IRremote for setting up the sensor. There is …
powerful, cheap, small,...
libraries/MideaIRWrapper/MidearIR.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function `irparams':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `irparams'
sketch/basic_commands.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0):…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implment the IRRemote Library
2. Try to connect to the webserver through the web browser
3. Web page does not open
What is the expected output? What do y…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implment the IRRemote Library
2. Try to connect to the webserver through the web browser
3. Web page does not open
What is the expected output? What do y…
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