bundle exec metanorma collection collection.yml -x xml,html,presentation -w iso10303-41
This is generating a collection folder, iso10303…
This is also occurring in annotated-express, so it is not a stepmod issue: the svgmap element is not currently recognised by isodoc at all.
Hi, I'm a long time LateXTools Linux user, and now that I had to move to Windows I am trying to reproduce the same workflow I have on Linux.
The problem I have is that, whenever I try to compile on…
The annotated-express exemplar implementation gave hyperlinks for the multiple attachments it generates in Annex C, 93-listings.adoc:
| |
The stepmod2mn realisation of this supplies…
ERROR: Image map file schema_diagexpg1.xml(/Users/me/src/mn/iso-10303-srl/iso-10303-stepmod-wg12/data/resource_docs/draughting/schema_diagexpg1.xml) does not exist or empty!
Source: https://github.com/metanorma/iso-10303-stepmod-annotate/pull/6
Generate `collection.sh` in the output folder:
bundle exec metanorma -x xml document.adoc
Source: https://github.com/metanorma/stepmod2mn/issues/32
Generate `collection.yml`:
- documents-inline
- language: en
content: "Industrial …
10303-41 schema clauses are generated by:
= X
:lutaml-express-index: schemas; schemas.yaml;
:bare: true
:mn-document-class: iso
:mn-output-extensions: html
[lutaml, schemas, context, l…
Source issue: https://github.com/metanorma/iso-10303-stepmod-annotate/pull/6
Source repository: https://github.com/metanorma/iso-10303-stepmod-wg12
From https://github.com/metanorma/iso-10303-st…
This example is from ISO 10303-55 from @opoudjis.
These references have been marked up as:
`* [[[iso10303-49, (1)ISO 10303-49]]], _Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data re…