Buna ziua,
In acest moment corectiile (de salariu, contract, date personale, etc) in aplicatia Revisal se fac direct in baza de date a ITM.
Prin fisiere XML, se transmit date la un moment dat, ca…
I can't adjust the window size for some reason -> it keeps bouncing back up when I try to adjust it
I would like to thank you for providing such a great paper to the community.
I had a few questions
- In your paper you mention that for text to image retrieval you train on both ITC(Contras…
Apple has been sending emails about missing API declarations.
The link is:
At Pyserini commit [`e68d54`](https://github.com/castorini/pyserini/commit/e68d544c148a530407a91e8df7632128628ece0a) (2024/10/12), I'm running:
nohup python -m pyserini.2cr.atomic --all --dire…
Use [itm-java-codeformat](https://github.com/it-at-m/itm-java-codeformat) in build process to ensure correct formatting.
- [ ] add `spotless:check` to build process in CI
- [ ] add documentation i…
Apple is detecting the following error after uploading and submitting builds
ITMS-90853: Invalid font - There was an error validating the font named 'FontAwesome6Free-Solid' at 'LoomLetter.app…
Is this feature planned? And do you have any idea how much work it would be to integrate it?
I guess that a JLinkGDBServer would have to be started in one process and another process would have to …
after building the bundle for IOS and uploading it, I'm facing this error on Apple developer console:
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in
Sporadically, running the utility will properly collect and demultiplex data from the ETB, but ITM decoding of the received data then fails with a `Malformed packet` error indicating a Hardware source…