Im getting this error while trying to run the code.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/user/Downloads/hands-annotation-master/examples/ca.py", line 2, in
from keras_retin…
I have tried to use multi_gpu_model function to train on multiple GPU.
But when I edit the code as: training_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=2), I got this error
The name "masks" is used 2 times…
Can you please mention your tensorflow and keras versions? It seems there are parts in the code that supports only tensorflow1 but keras-retinanet requires at least tensorflow 2.2.
# Ask a Question
In the example notebook for converting keras CV models (https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx/blob/main/tutorials/keras-resnet50.ipynb) the keras method decode_predictions is used …
I am working with **python 3.6**, **tensorflow-gpu 1.13**, **keras-gpu 2.2**, **onnx 1.6** and pip-installed **keras2onnx 1.5.2**.
I'm fresh with onnx and I wanted to try with a keras_re…
Using the code from the notebook
```# import keras
import keras
# import keras_retinanet
from keras_maskrcnn import models
from keras_maskrcnn.utils.visualization import draw_mask
from keras…
Hi, @ZFTurbo!
I tryed convert retinanet model with backbone resnet50 and it faled.
I used https://github.com/fizyr/keras-retinanet.
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/kito/__init…
i have a RetinaNet model trained on a custom dataset, however the inference/prediction is not identical if i run the model on the same image - from your application compared to inference notebook (htt…
python3 train.py csv home/shpriya/dataset/dataset/Annotations.csv home/shpriya/dataset/dataset/Class.csv
Erro is as follows;
train.py: error: unrecognized arguments: csv home/shpriya/dataset/dat…
I have a keras model fine tuned from resnet101 (.h5). But iit is unable to load using latest keras libraries. The following is my code
from keras_retinanet import models
model = models.load_mod…