## General Question
[INFO] -------------------< com.dtstack.flinkx:flinkx-core >-------------------
[INFO] Building FlinkX : Core 1.12-SNAPSHOT [2/51]
[INFO] ----…
`Kdbndp.KingbaseException (0x80004005): 3D000: database "postgres" does not exist
at Kdbndp.KdbndpConnector.c__DisplayClass166_0.d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
##### 版本号:
jeecg-boot 3.5
##### 问题描述:
##### 错误截图:
#### 友情提示:
- 未按格式要求发帖、描述过于简单的,会被直接删掉;
- 描述问题请图文并茂,方便我们理…
### Search before asking
- [X] I had searched in the [issues](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22bug%22) and found no similar issues.
### What happened
support King…
### Environment
Self-Hosted (Bare Metal)
### System
Windows 11, Chrome
### Version
SillyTavern 1.11.4 'staging' (ec826450)
### Desktop Information
Node JS: v18.15.0
Chat Completion Source: Ope…
I am trying to add KingbaseES support to the popular EFCorePowerTools, but having some issue.
Wonder if someone can help with this.
The detail of the issue is on [this comment](https://git…
Suppose the support for the provider of Kingbase needed, which already has [ef core support](https://github.com/dotnetcore/EntityFrameworkCore.KingbaseES).
How should this begin, what is the estimate…
能否增加对以下:达梦(dm),金仓(kingbase),神通(shentong),南大通用(gbase) 数据库的支持?
同一个全局事务中,不同的分支事务操作同一条记录,锁重入后,lockDOs因lock_table.row_key中表名大小写问题去重失败,导致分支事务报LockWaitTimeoutException: Global lock wait timeout,LockConflictException: get global lock fail, x…