Calling the CreateObligation flow as described in the example leads to an error.
`start CreateObligation amount: { quantity: 1000, token: { currencyCode: USD, type: fiat } }, role: OBLIGO…
I would like to use a Kotlinx Coroutines [`SharedFlow`](https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines.flow/-shared-flow/) to subscribe to entity updates.
aSemy updated
2 months ago
I think it would be more idiomatic for kotlin to use flows for midi inputs instead of interface listeners. At least lambdas should be provided. What do you think?
- [ ] Processing happens in a coroutine
- [ ] Callback occurs on the main thread
There seems to be a race between request & response flows on the client when cancelling the response flow in a bidi scenario. This can result in the response flow processing the server's "CANCELLED" S…
In https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/advanced-kotlin-coroutines/#10:
... ...
By using combine, we can combine the cached network lookup with our database query. Both of them will run o…
- Codelab
- https://developer.android.com/codelabs/advanced-kotlin-coroutines?hl=ko#0
- https://developer.android.com/kotlin/flow
One page 11 of the Advanced Coroutines with Kotlin Flow and LiveData codelab, it says to add the following code to replace customSortFlow to demonstrate how the combine operator works on flows:
I found some references about backpressure and rxjava on other implementations: https://github.com/salesforce/reactive-grpc#back-pressure
I was reading all your doc but I can not found if g…
**Describe the bug**
There seems to be issues acknowledging purchases when dealing with multiple modals in different fragments
**To Reproduce**
- This just seems to happen when I have more than o…