Course code, if applicable: COMPSCI4072
University hosting the course: University of Glasgow
Contact person: Dr Ornela Dardha, ornela.dardha@glasgow.ac.uk
Concepts taught: Language Theory,Lambda Ca…
I have learned Lambda calculus, and I store my code (or equation) to a file, how can I load it? I have try and <
`lci < main.lc`
The code
'True' = (λx.λy.x)
'False' = (λx.λy.y)
'If' = …
A report by @awefhio originally posted at leanprover-community/lean4game#232.
> I got stuck on Level 5 / 7 : Rewriting on the final world (World: Redux: ↔ World Tactics).
> ![image](https://gi…
Really neat paper here: https://www.forskningsdatabasen.dk/en/catalog/2556781021
This is a good set of slides to go along with it: http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/~dibj/urbino-s.pdf
The link for the example "Preservation of strong normalization for a variant of the λσ-calculus", namely,
http://abella-prover.org/examples/lambda-calculus/exsub-sn/ is broken (404 not found).
# Why?
- I need to give a talk on these subjects
- To do that, I need to structure my knowledge and put it into simple yet technical post
- I need to survey business applicability of these thi…
1. Draw an example for determined and non-determined finite machine (paste a picture with explanation)
2. What's Lambda Calculus?
3. What's difference between Church & Turing ideas for lambdas?
4. Wha…
Really short term (and enough to close this issue): two examples, since the directory name has an "s" at the end.
Long term: all of them (or, if something better comes up, as many but better).
>>> from sympy import symbols, Integral, Abs, cos
>>> x, y = symbols('x y', real=True)
>>> integral = Integral(Abs(cos(x + y)), y)
>>> integral.doit()
The error:
Traceback (…
Section [The σ algebra equations](https://plfa.inf.ed.ac.uk/Substitution/#the-%CF%83-algebra-equations) contains the equation
(sub-abs) ⟪ σ ⟫ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⟪ σ ⟫ N
This is wrong, as is the …