Hey pybee folk! I'm Lektor's maintainer, and I found your plugin. I want to encourage you to open a pull request to https://github.com/lektor/lektor-website to add it to the list of available plugins.…
Hey @azazel75! I'm Lektor's maintainer, and I found your plugin. I want to encourage you to open a pull request to https://github.com/lektor/lektor-website to add it to the list of available plugins. …
Both 'lektor server' and 'lektor build' call Builder.build_all(). On other hands, 'lektor server' calls Builder.update_all_source_infos() before the method call, but 'lektor build' doesn't. Builder.up…
Chocolatey is a great package manager for windows. A simple command such as `choco install xxx` will install the necessary software and update system paths automatically.
It would be great to have …
Uvítal bych, kdyby bylo možné do materiálů přidat poznámky pro lektora (případně pro lektora a kouče, to nemám rozmyšlené). Tedy něco, co bude součástí lekce a lektor to uvidí, ale účastnice ne. Aby b…
Mistune users are able to write there own plugins, and when they do this locally, it is easy enough for them to import and use there plugin code, so it's available when they use Mistune. Is there a pr…
Using the basic blog from `lektor quickstart`, I get strange behavior with some fields.
Take the start page, `page.html` for example:
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ this.tit…
Hello team! I a have been working on a new website recently with lektor and noticed there is no native support for these image formats.
I used to contribute to Lektor in the past so I would be happ…
See https://github.com/lektor/lektor/issues/391.
This is a new feature that should be addressed in a few words in the documentation.
Mistune is not stable yet. If I am going to make some breaking changes, I should notify these projects.
1. IPython (nbcovert) https://github.com/ipython/ipython https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert @…