Platform: Win10 enterprise v1909
Python: WinPython v3.9.2 x64
`python E:\WinPython\python-3.9.2.amd64\Lib\site-packages\esptool-3.1.dev0-py3.9.egg\esptool.py --trace -b 1000000 --por…
This is the first thing i try to use using arduino. I run Gentoo linux and version 1.8.7 of the arduino IDE.
I've followed the instructions(and had to modify the path to lvgl.h) but the b…
I'd like to upload and run an Arduino IDE sketch over the TWatch ESP32 Wifi or BLE connections to my Mac laptop.
Windows: Win10 Enterprise x64 v1909
vscode x64 v1.55
pio core v5.1.1
smartwatch - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08NK11BWM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I am trying to use your library with a Lilygo TTGO T-Watch-2020
I am using the correct pins and I tried several SPI frequencies but th…
What to change in the code in order to build it and run the firmware on V3 watch?
Hi, I'm having an issue when I try to build a new build - firmware version works fine, and all I've changed is the config file to add in two new fonts. Gets pretty far through the compile and then I g…
Nowadays, voice driven home assistant are becoming reality. As TTG T-Watch 2020 has mic and speaker, we can make it a terminal component for such new interactions with Voice Assistant systems.
guyou updated
3 years ago
PIO Core Call Error: "Library Storage: D:\\Documents\\PlatformIO\\Projects\\T-Watch 2020 test\\.pio\\libdeps\\esp32dev\r\nLibrary Manager: Installing xinyuan-lilygo/TTGO TWatch Library @ ^1.3.0\r\nUnp…
For some reason the touch interrupt stopped working when I updated for the T-Watch 2020 V1. It seems that the touch controller is never initialised properly. I fixed it by reverting the line 1245 chan…