Does that make sense? To me it looks like the if for the flat field events should be one level more to the left:
This general exception and print ar…
Following an email from Seiya from Oct 11th, 2023, it's possible to not using FF heuristic flag to find calibration events for the data taken after Oct 10th, 2023.
This should be changed in the osa…
The lstchain dl2 script uses enormous amounts of memory due to loading all models and data into ram at once. Nothing we can really do about that here. We had oom issues even with 64G due to the larger…
@FrancaCassol, to facilitate the automation of the calibration pipeline I propose to directly set `filter = 52` if not specified otherwise by command line when no filter wheel information is present i…
We need to prepare analysis script and do the actual study for muon reflectivity and PSF matching of sim_telarray simulations of MAGIC telescopes
Hi @SeiyaNozaki, above we are using the nominal focal length of 2…
I’m trying to run the MC R0 to DL1 conversion using the most recent lstchain and have encountered a following issue. While some files pass the conversion just ok, some other issue a following error:
I tried to run lstchain_mc_r0_to_dl1 script to prod5 MC that includes 4 LSTs and MAGIC, but I got the following error.
I'm using lstchain 0.6.0 and ctapipe 0.8.0.
cp01 ~ $ lstchain_mc_r0_to_dl1…
I am thinking on how to implement the adaptation of the "base" cleaning levels to the NSB conditions.
As of now, the "pedestal cleaning" increases the picture threshold on a subrun-wise and pix…