Hi all,
I have this typeclass that's contravariant in its type parameter (sorry for any compilation errors, I had to modify the code in-place):
trait LogShow[-A] {
def logShow(a: A)…
A year ago I had the issue with circe automatic codec derivation (https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/4311) - at some point the stack trace becomes too small to make a compilation. Possibly, it happens …
Currently, when recursively looking for implicits, Magnolia accords any other implicit higher priority than the Magnolia derived implicit itself.
It would be useful to have this behaviour configura…
(Phrasing this as a question, because I don't know if this is already possible, or whether this is an enhancement suggestion.)
Given this trivial code:
sealed trait T
case class Ts(ts: Lis…
Hi :wave: ,
## reproduction steps
using Scala 2.13.2 & "org.julienrf" %% "play-json-derived-codecs" % "7.0.0"
I created two large sum types as follows:
sealed trait A extends Pr…
Currently, to create a json body input/output, both a `Schema` and json-library-specific encoders/decoders are needed. This means, that generic derivation is typically done twice (once for json encode…
adamw updated
11 months ago
Theoretically it may be possible to generalize `CaseClass/SealedTrait` structures to put trees in there instead of runtime values and parameterize the Magnolia macro with dispatch/combine before creat…
## Compiler version
## Actual
In https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/contextual/derivation.html, I believe the declaration of the `Eq` typeclass has an error. The declaration
Hi there,
This might be a bit controversial, but auto-derivation is bringing quite a few non-small problems to us, from increased compilation times, to inadvertently, codifying case class that were…
The main goal is to have automatic support for config descriptors that are value classes.
import zio.config.magnolia.DeriveConfigDescriptor.Descriptor
case class Port(value: Int) exten…