Inter-process Communication files:
- [ ] **socket** (inode/socket)
- [ ] **pipe** (inode…
Hello there. I'm a coder / musician from Colombia, South America. In my country we have some plucked string instruments ([Bandolas](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandola_andina_colombiana) and [Tiple]…
请问下我运行代码在bag = bagOfFeatures(trainingSet)处出现以下错误:错误使用 bagOfFeatures/parseInputs (line 1023)的'imgSets' 的值无效。 需要的 imgSets 应为以下类型之一: imgSet
I made a list of what happens when MuseScore2 .mid files are translated with MIDI2BAM. I realize that not many people are using the DOS version of OHRRPGCE, but maybe someone would find this helpful:
can we have a chrod database here, then we can use human friendly chord name like C7 / Gsus4.
`# encoding: utf-8
# Author : Floyed
# Datetime : 2…
Rob, you mentioned before that you may be interested in working on an iOs App. Still interested?
Something has been announced in the news that would make it a good time for us to start on this (I was …
I'm starting to use mopidy for internet streaming (Tidal and Spotify).
I've played around a bit with it, and currently I have this output setting:
output = audioresample ! audioconvert ! fl…
As it stands, chuck_doc_search.py points to:
which (at least on Win 7 FF 25) is the top of the page.
Lower-casing the UGen name:
It would be nice to simplify the creation of Mutopia scores in three ways (one of them or a combination of those):
- add a menu entry to insert the Mutopia headers: