Jira Link: [DB-13361](https://yugabyte.atlassian.net/browse/DB-13361)
### Description
Yugabyted starts the service successfully, and after a few seconds, the corresponding service goes down.
# Masters admission process in North America i.e. (US/Canada) - Loud Skill
Example article description
Right now the set up does not support multiple masters, which is not good, as if the master fails, the whole cluster fails. Here's a relating repo that might help with the multiple master setup:
Jira Link: [DB-13306](https://yugabyte.atlassian.net/browse/DB-13306)
### Description
I've asked this through the slack channel: https://yugabyte-db.slack.com/archives/CG0KQF0GG/p1728633440104989
Harder open world pokemon red rom hack
Okay, I needed to select vSphere Lab version 7.x, not obvious, considering it still gives the Cool message.
However, now it does not create the VCSA Linked Clone.
Minion Masters will start but no Monsters are displayed
Steam Play is enabled for all titles.
My System:
Manjaro 17.1.12
Mesa 18.1.6 with R9 270x
1. (Name of Quest, Spell, object etc.): Stable Masters
2. (ID): -
3. (Description): I can't stable my pets at Stable Masters. There is only shop and "heal and revive my battle pets"
4. (Wowhead lin…