Happy New Year, Kevin!
Hope you'll have a blast in 2016.
I'm planning to build the weather station project you've created. got the parts but I'm stuck. I REALLY need your help, brother!
As not so ex…
Currently a `.whl`-file is used for the ADS1115 driver. This (old) python package has Python 2 and Python 3 support, when it was written, and is using the `Adafruit_GPIO` package in the backend. The `…
I am trying to use `pi_piper` to connect RC522 RFID reader through SPI, but I'm stuck right now, I think it's probably because I have only little knowledge of SPI, is there any tutorials or sample cod…
We have `LEDBoard` and `ButtonBoard`. But what about `MotionSensorBoard`? It sounds silly, but I just created an example where I wanted an LED for each Motion Sensor, and I can either create a `LEDBoa…
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The class MCP3001 is not working properly: the value given by the value is almost random between 0 and 1. It is weird though because the MCP3008 is working like a charm.
I managed the correct reading…
First of all GPIO Zero is very well done!
With respect to SPI devices, it appears that the Raspberry Pi supports hardware SPI on the following pin combinations:
- SPI0: MOSI (GPIO10);…
I had been banging my head against SPI transfer randomly deciding to bork with an invalid fd error and finally i figured there was something weird in the bus driver. Spent sometime reading about the i…
Is this possible?
The Readme specifies how to connect up the screen but not the controls - is there a layout on the interwebs somewhere that could be linked to? Thanks