Parcels currently lacks automatic computation of the derivative of a `Field`. A use case is computing the gradient in a diffusivity field. In the `AdvectionDiffusion` kernels, this is now implemented …
While looking for a mapping from variable name to `long_name`, `standard_name` and `units` there are some troubling inconsistencies
- [ ] Comparing `pkg/layers` output for meridional overturning circulation computations between pressure and z-coordinates, I have the impression that `pkg/layers` code does not work properly in press…
Once citation I have noticed is missing authors, despite author information being available: Response of Global SSTs and ENSO to the Atlantic and Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulations. (2022). J…
# Description of the data product
There are a bunch of COSIMA experiments that are missing in the Intake Catalog. As a start, it would be great to have everything here:
Necessário a conversão dos protocolos de avaliação dos modelos globais e modelos regionais para o formato Latex
The analysis member mpas_ocn_meridional_heat_transport.F includes the capability of computing regional OHT. Given the regional masks (e.g. 'Atlantic_MOC' starts at 32S), we need to add the heat transp…
hint: generalize function
function [delay, graz_ang, arc_len, slant_dist, x_spec, y_spec, x_trans, y_trans, elev_spec] = ...
get_osculating_spherical_reflection (lat, e, Ha, Ht, hs, algorithm, …
I am computing the meridional mass streamfunction for a simulation. This quantity takes the (lon, lat, vert, time) meridional wind and pressure and outputs a (lat, vert, time) streamfunction. Essent…
**Salinity (a second active tracer)**
Have you all thought much about how one might add salinity to the model? I guess there would just be prognostic equations for temperature and salinity, and diagn…