Context: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl/issues/625
Probably not a high priority as you can always roll your own using a learning network (as I explain at linked issue)
The GMMClusterer is such a model (and it has *only* a `predict` and no `transform`). I believe it is the *only* such model at present.
We should implement all of the following methods for extracti…
The GMMClusterer is an unsupervised probabilistic model. However we can't check that programmatically because of https://github.com/JuliaAI/MLJModelInterface.jl/issues/120
Is there any fix to make …
Consider the following code:
julia> using MLJ
julia> function make_pipeline(model, name::AbstractString; drop_last=false)
Hello, I have interfaced to MLJ the following BetaML models: `KMeans, KMedoids, GMM, MissingImputator`.
The MLJ documentation is a bit sparse for unsupervised models, compared to supervised ones, so …
While [the documentation](https://alan-turing-institute.github.io/MLJ.jl/dev/adding_models_for_general_use/#Unsupervised-models-1) is keen in describing the parameters and return values of the various…
Hi everyone,
I am manipulating pipelines of unsupervised transformers. I want to stack transformers linearly and use them all at once using the pipeline object. In my situation, the tranformation t…
**Submitting author:** @sylvaticus (Antonello Lobianco)
**Repository:** https://github.com/sylvaticus/BetaML.jl
**Version:** v0.2.2
**Editor:** @terrytangyuan
**Reviewer:** @ablaom, @ppalmes
From [this discourse thread](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/how-to-create-a-mljmodelinterface-model-interface-of-a-complex-model/55860):
Hi there,
I am trying to build a MLJ interface for som…
**Submitting author:** @sylvaticus (Antonello Lobianco)
**Repository:** https://github.com/sylvaticus/BetaML.jl
**Version:** v0.2.2
**Editor:** @terrytangyuan
**Reviewers:** @ablaom, @ppalmes