As a researcher working with tabular data, I want to be able to define the columns (description, data-type, valid values/ranges, etc.), so that I can provide a structured data dictionary.
Hi all,
A perennial issue that faces PyMedPhys is that we still in various places incorrectly equate *coordinates/axes* (i.e., `x`, `y`, and `z`) with *ijk* matrix indices (i.e., `slices`, `rows`, …
PATO has several relational qualities that refer to some `norm`, where `norm` is also a quality. For example, consider [increased mass density](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PATO_0001788)
This continues the issue started here https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-specification/issues/733. This BEP021 is a better place to continue the discussion, as we can also use projects and share fi…
Per discussions I've been having with developers and accessibility practitioners, as well as parallel discussions I know others have had on the same topic, there seems to be a general question of how …
Before 5.0, we were using ICU only on Unix systems. In 5.0 we have decided to use it on Windows by default as well.
This is something that we have done in order to have the same behavior of string-…
I have an image for which I write an `AxisArray` as an NRRD and I get a header like this:
type: float
dimension: 3
space dimension: 3
sizes: 390 256 61
spacings: 1.3 1.3 3.0
## User Story or Problem Statement
As an editor, I want to be able to create facility services with service locations specific the appropriate type of facility and service, whether VAMC or VBA.