- https://earthdata.nasa.gov/earth-observation-data/near-real-time/firms
- https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/
- http://viirsfire.geog.umd.edu/pages/viirsvsmodis.php, ht…
The MODIS data points are slightly off but seem to be correct proportional to each other. For right now I am using them in the models but this should be fixed.
We had a discussion on making sure our output is a binary 1/0 (burned/not-burned). The main question is how do we deal with cloud-cover etc where burns may occur and don't see them or it may just be r…
I'm attempting to download the necessary MODIS data for my survey area using the function aps_modis(0,0) however the files won't download.
I downloaded and sourced the path to the get_modis.py f…
I am using the i.modis extension. I have Fedora 33 python 3.9 grass gis 7.8.5
When I am going to import the modis files I get an error which is solved is I add the flag -m to the i.modis.import com…
For downscaling purpose, I have about 4GB MODIS NDVI data and try to use the eot to downscale GIMMS NDVI data, but the calculation speed is too slow with such large dataset( only used 400MB MODIS NDV…
lot in progress
and somewhat relevant to: https://github.com/AustralianAntarcticDivision/blueant/issues/12
## full L1B modis workflow
There are a variety of gaps in the LANDSAT time series. I think we should look into filling these using MODIS and AVHRR to create a continuous monthly NDVI record for the site. Step 1: see how our exi…
## Description
When attempting to run the t.rast.aggregate tool **with a mask**, it fails when the number of threads for parallel computing is set to >1 in the GUI settings (Settings → Preferences). …
(alternative names: m.download.aod, i.download.aeronet, m.download.aeronet)
i.atcorr requires AOD input, and AOD data can be downloaded from AERONET: