I have been browsing various documentation sites, as part of exploration for #1, and I quite like how React has handled their presentation for the documentation translations: https://reactjs.org/langu…
When I move the slider, **it moves in the opposite direction**, the emulator language is **Arabic** but when I switch the language back to English, everything works fine.
React native **[0.73.4]**
"Updates" is a bit cold. On the site, users should be calling these something else. Like "notes" or "entries" or...?
stml updated
12 years ago
This year, we plan to fully release a set of new features to the language. Many of these changes are enhancements to the source language (that is they will affect the compiler without requiring any ch…
Move the language files to the database then output the files.
Are you making this for your own purposes or to establish a prelude for Shen generally?
Should we create a unified repo under the Shen-Language org for standard libraries? Or add a `libs/` folder i…
And have different IntelliJ projects for each?
### Description
hi, I'd like to contribute the Chinese version of Ray documention, and also add the i18n for Ray doc using [Sphinx i18n](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/advanced/intl.htm…
language files are a user controlled data store they belong in data not in admin/langs