I have a horizontal bar chart and my xVal labels are pretty long. I'd love to be able to wrap them once they are longer than 20 characters. This issue was opened in MPAndroidChart a few months ago, …
Are there any plans to enhance the performance of the library in a way Philip did with MPAndroidCharts?
With his enhancements it is now possible to render thousands of data points smoothly on Android.…
It seems the onValueSelected listener is triggered whenever the chart is clicked -- not when a specific bar is selected. I have also noticed this in the sample app for the library (A bar is highlighte…
MPAndroidChart 折线图从左往右开始画 是怎么实现的
How can I hide small values in a PieChart if I am printing them outside the graph? I can get the label to be empty with a ValueFormatter but I can't understand how I would delete the line going outsid…
@I followed the MPAndroid chart tutorial, and I'm still trying to get along with the library: As stated in the titel, I get following error: ILineDataSet[] found: ArrayList, ArrayList
` yVals.a…
Thought it would be cool to represent the raw data as well as charts. Few awesome chart libraries to look for :
- [HelloCharts](https://github.com/lecho/hellocharts-android)
- [MPAndroidCharts](https…
I'm using MP Library chart to show data real time data chart with different color depending on Y value condition in run real time every second data changes.
private LineDataSet set;
I want to add some empty x labels before the chart then how to represent the empty entry sets. for that no values will be there in graph.
Pie Chart view size does not fit chart content if description and legend are disabled:
chartView.description.isEnabled = false
chartView.legend.form = Legend.LegendForm.NONE