**Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like**
Integrate the audio, squeezelite component parts from Squeezelite-ESP32: https://github.com/sle118/squeezelite-esp32
First of all, I want to say, since last weekend my SD card in my Raspberry Pi crashed, I switched from Airsonic to Navidrome. And I really like it so far. I noticed that I had some discrepancies in my…
I want to thank author for integration fisrt, everything works as expected but one thing bothers me: there's a delay in text module which appears as camera in HA (around 0.5 of a second). I tried to u…
Hello there! I'm running your Mopidy Multiroom setup.
First off - thank you for this.
I was running into an issue with Mopidy -> Snapserver streaming local files on the :latest tags of the setup…
pi@automator:~$ node-airplayhub -c ~/airplayhub.conf
*** WARNING *** The program 'nodejs' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use…
Multiroom Devices not reachable with Volumio 2.502
They will be shown but if You choose one it´s loading endless without success.
I am starting to use this project to build a better integration for Onkyo receivers in Home Assistant, but I see a pull request from 2021 with no activity. Is there a new fork which is more actively m…
Would it be possile to add multiroom support to this like the linkplay Home Assitant integration?
My name is Tim Curtis. I'm the maintainer for the moOde audio player project (a FOSS non-commercial project). It's an MPD based player/streamer for the Raspberry Pi family of SBC's.
This is awesome! I've got Arch running on my CHIP and nearly everything works great. Thanks!
The one thing I can't seem to get working is audio output. Most audio commands I've tried (play, mpg123,…