Initially, we created our real-time infrastructure for the spinny thing. However, scaling the back-end to multiple instances meant that there were four socket.io servers, so the spinny thing wouldn't …
As seen in https://github.com/MyMICDS/MyMICDS-v2/commit/ff605a404f0bb0c46a8092ae0f983d0c2d4522d5, using aggregations instead of many consecutive database queries is much better for performance. There …
https://twitter.com/MyMICDS 👀
Let's face it: the current emails look ugly. However, for April Fools, I created a better-looking email template. We should use these new stylings from the [MyJohnBurroughs.net](https://myjohnburrough…
Refer to https://github.com/MyMICDS/MyMICDS-v2-Angular/issues/49#issuecomment-340237717
Apparently there's some error on the planner of a user hasn't inserted their canvas url. This should cease.
Instead of using POST for everything, use other verbs like GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, etc. An example would be `POST /schedule/get` -> `GET /schedule`.
In the lunch page, add the ability to assign different icons to each specific section (Ex. "Dessert" or "Pizza Station") besides just the default hamburger icon.
drag and drop modules for the home page