Is it possible to make weather forecast in plugin?
Like here:
BMP085, BMP280, BME280 also.
1. Verify if there is no reconnect functionality in MySensors
2. Add reconnect functionality
When compiling against arduino core 3.x, MySensors startup code seems to hang during startup, without producing any output.
What needs to be fixed in MySensors:
- MySensors takes over the startup …
Hi Tijmen,
Ik ben al een tijdje bezig met het candle smart home systeem. Helaas loop ik stuk op de foutmelding ! NOT CONNECTED TO GATEWAY wanneer ik een thing toevoeg na het toevoegen van de candle…
I check that in mMySensors arduino lib 2.3.2 on ArduinoMega, when i use node as MY_GATEWAY_SERIAL
Problem with the cut message when arduino send version info:
`0;255;0;0;17;2 /*!< Major release ve…
Reported by @cimba007 at https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/4431/mycontroller-0-0-3-alpha2-released/15
I am migrating my projects to PlatformIO. As an old MySensors user I still have nodes (and networks) running on MySensors 1.5.x versions. Unfortunately earlier versions (older than 2.1.0) of MySensors…
I am running openhab 2.1.0 and the version of the MySensors binding on a raspberry pi.
When trying to change values of my RGBW node the updates don't always get send to the node.…
See here: https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/5678/myscontroller-problem/11
As mentioned in [this issue](https://github.com/mozilla-iot/gateway/issues/1809), it would be great if the user can select which property gets to take the 'center stage' spot in a device.