This package depends on (depends, imports or suggests) **raster** and one or more of the retiring packages **rgdal**, **rgeos** or **maptools** (https://r-spatial.org/r/2022/04/12/evolution.html). Sin…
Raised by @Hack-for-California, in `1_data_download.py`, line 405 produces the following error.
census.core.CensusException: Error reportHTTP Status 404 - /data/2000/sf1
The variables present in the DS01 historic data do not match the variables listed in the DS01 data tables documentation. This seems to be because Social Explorer's "Historic Census Data on 2010 Census…
- do we need to `st_make_valid` on any of these?
- should we include NHGIS conflated tract boundaries (at least for 2000)?
Hello, I'm trying to get tract- and county-level income data from the 5-year ACS prior to 2005 (1990 and 2000 to be exact). Is there any chance that this data will be available for the 5-year ACS?
- [x] racial/ethnic composition
- [x] median household income (adjusted for annual inflation)
- [x] total population
- [x] primary language different
Additionally, add notes to documentation abo…
I'm experiencing the following issues with `tidycensus_1.2.2.9000` when calling `get_decennial()`:
# Print traceback to help with debugging
options(error = function() traceback())
# Call …
I'm trying to run this code to get zip code data:
geography = "zcta",
variables = "C16001_003",
geometry = TRUE,
year = 2020,
cb = FALSE ,
show_call = TRUE
) %>%
probably need to go back and join state fips, county fips, tract fips to ma…