The NMRA header page contains the "Layout Command Control" text marked as a (R) for registered trademark. This is incorrect. "Layout Command Control" is not registered. "LCC" is also not registered. T…
Dear Aiko
I used the CV_access_monitor and find some strange behavior on READ CV.
Hardware used:
NANO EVERY + Dcc In and Ack items.
Test conditions: DR5000 or ESU Lockprogrammer ( same kind of…
Issue Type: __Bug__
Decoder P…
Can you share this wiring for your this project, Sir?
Issue Type: __Feature Request__
Could you add a decoder definition for no decoder (ID 0) so that we can keep track of locomotives that do not have a decoder installed?
DecoderPro 5.7.4+Rb028ee01…
There is a request to add well-known events for LocoNet sensor mapping. Based on my own review of the LocoNet Personal Addition document, this appears to require a 4096 size event space. It will be go…
Dear Franz-Peter
Thanks for adding support for some older ATMEGA processors. But now I have the opposite question. Do you have any plans to also support newer processors, such as the 4809 (which is…
Atlas is flooding the market with their new (Jan 2024) N scale GP7 which can **only** take the new ESU 59925 24 pin decoder, so this is needed quickly.
(I am assuming their soon to arrive RS-3 will a…
### Board
ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKit C N16R8)
### Device Description
ESP32-S3-DevKit C N16R8 with PlatformIO on Arduino-ESP32 Framework
There are few FreeRTOS tasks, one of them is `CANListenerTask…
Release 5.6 does not have a listing for the Modbus protocol. I don't know when this removed or why, but I was hoping that this protocol would be progressed, especially the Master mode, which would all…