Hey there, I'm running noalbs 2.7.2 and noticing that I'm not getting any in chat notifications when the scene is switching. I have the config file option set and I've also tried doing `!notify on`.…
Hi, I just restarted NOALBS and used the multi-user option with the configuration folder. By doing this, I received the error below.
After looking around, I found that the file `.DS_Store` (on MacOS)…
I am trying to build my IRL server, and I did use SLS and NOALBS.
Noalbs works perfectly, but it would be perfect if you could add this function:
I would like to change my scene to someth…
Today I was attempting to install v2, but I did not realize that I was running the incorrect version of obs-websockets. The only indication I got that OBS was not connected was when I tested the `!swi…
Issuing a !fix command makes the screen go black but never goes back to the live obs scene. Have to manually switch.
Mar 22 01:16:28 srt noalbs[2186177]: 2022-03-22T01:16:28.622824Z INFO noal…
I noticed that NOALBS includes the gryphon nginx distro with the rtmp module compiled into it, but I was curious if NOALBS will work with other distros. The reason I ask is because I found a newer ve…
Hey there,
first of all I need to say that I'm totally new to this and don't have any coding experience but always like to learn new things.
I've set up the nginx server following the instructio…
When starting the 2.4.2 I'm getting:
RUST_BACKTRACE=full /usr/local/bin/noalbs
███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
████╗ ██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══██╗██╔══…
I tried to create a file for the Italian language since it has not been added yet, with customized answers based on the streamer the bot will go to, but every time I try to change the language with th…
So this doesn't work at all?