1|api | 2017-08-31 20:46 +08:00: Unhandled rejection Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'NaN' in 'where clause'
1|api | at Query.Sequence._packetToError (/home/coolsd/nodejs-pool…
I see these errors when I try to delete ports in the admin panel.
I think the problem is in some kind of modules nodejs?
How can I fix this?
1|api | 2018-04-18 08:28 +00:00: Unhandled r…
it seems that the deb-src repository, added by calling
`curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash -`,
doesn't contain source artifacts / is broken. After a successful nodejs…
ghost updated
2 months ago
Hi Venthos,
I am getting this error, when i try run sumocoin.
2018-04-14 12:57 +00:00: You have triggered an unhandledRejection, you may have forgotten to catch a Promise rejection:
TypeError: …
CoFix updated
6 years ago
This error occurs in the pool module after receiving` (Worker 4 - 17155) Excessive packet size from ` errors:
2017-11-06 20:39 +00:00: TypeError: Cannot read property 'blocktemplate_blob' of u…
after the Install i have this error:
> 0|api | 2018-02-12 19:44 +00:00: You have triggered an unhandledRejection, you may have forgotten to catch a Promise rejection:
0|api | Error…
Hi there,
I've deployed nodejs-pool && poolui successfully a couple of days ago with following install script
after first run `deploy.sh` , those API:
- /api/pool/stats/pps
- /api/pool/stats/pplns
- /api/pool/stats/solo
keep telling:
TypeError: Cannot create property 'fee' on boolean '…
In order to maintain [Dollar token](https://www.github.com/ubiquity/ubiquity-dollar/blob/0a230f977ad91bbfb01dd28bc1d2ea77faed5237/packages/contracts/src/dollar/core/UbiquityDollarToken.sol) USD peg [L…
https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-nodejs/issues/1952 will add initial experimental ESM support. This issue lists a number of follow tasks for ESM support:
- [ ] node v20 support (there is an IIT…