### Expected Behavior
### Actual Behavior
07:37:56 [ERROR] "Test.jar" im Ordner "/home/Nukkit/plugins" konnte nicht geladen werden: java.lang.NullPointerException
at cn.nukkit…
### Expected Behavior
All plugin functions functions should honor dataFolder.
### Actual Behavior
Even though the plugin itself is reporting the correct dataFolder, either utils.Config or plugi…
# 🔌 Plugin compatibility issue
[36m17:47:55[m [[m[1;31mERROR[m[m] Das Event "cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketReceiveEvent" konnte nicht zu "NoSpaceInName v1.1.0": null in Zeile me.petterim1.ns.NoSpa…
# 🔌 Plugin compatibility issue
[36m17:37:02[m [[m[5;1;31mFATAL[m[m] Das Event "cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent" konnte nicht zu "Plotsquared-wall-and-border v1.0.0": null in Ze…
2021-01-12 00:13:43.194 [main] ERROR - Unable to generate level "the_end": java.lang.NullPointerException
at cn.nukkit.Server.generateLevel(Server.java:2185)
at cn.nukkit.Server.generateLevel…
[36m19:11:35[m [[m[34mINFO [m[m] Aktiviere MyMap v1.5
[36m19:11:36[m [[m[1;31mERROR[m[m] Throwing
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at cn.nukkit.plugin.Pl…
# 🔌 Plugin compatibility issue
It was observed a compatibility issue with TradingInterface. It may be removing the negative sign of the ItemBlocks of blocks with high id (which are represented with…
# 🐞 错误汇报
使用reload plugin热重载一个依赖其他JS插件的JS插件,会导致被依赖的JS插件在服务器关闭时报错。
### 📸 截图或视频
### ▶ 复现步骤
### ✔ 预期行为
### ❌ 实际行为
### 📋 Debug information
### 💢 错误堆栈或崩溃日志
Сделайте поддержку плагина под ядро https://github.com/PetteriM1/NukkitPetteriM1Edition
Ошибки которые выдает плагин при запуске >
2018-8-1 05:04:49 [ALERT] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.EOFException
at cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader.(BaseRegionLoader.java:56)
at cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.…