I wanted to Use this Code for people Counting. As the person crosses a hypothetical line I want it to be counted, and for the same I want the information for previous centroid. Is there any way I can …
- [x] I was not able to find an [open](https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues?q=is%3Aopen) or [closed](https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues?q=is%3Aclosed) issue matching what I'm seei…
I wanted to Use this Code for people Counting. As the person crosses a hypothetical line I want it to be counted, and for the same I want the information for previous centroid. Is there any way I can …
# Reference
- [CNN-based Density Estimation and Crowd Counting: A Survey](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.12783.pdf)
# Brief
- mae
- mse
- rmse
- accuracy
## Different metrics
- Image-level…
When cloning I get the following errors:
> Cloning into 'C:\Users\****\***\GitHub\Kobra3'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 101980, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (17783/17783), done.…
I have workflow file to build and push image to Github Container Registry using Github action. The workflow successfully builds and publishes the container image on a **push request**, however when i …
## Issue
I tried to clone the project (my fork) in GitHub Desktop on Windows locally, but this failed due to a too long file name in the repository. Could this file be renamed shorter?
## Error lo…
The output object implementations assume that all inlets are being used.
When a user sends a list to the object it skips the step of adjusting midi channels from 1-based to 0-based counting:
### What happened?
I encountered a 502 error on the GraphQL API while attempting to set up policy-as-code on a repository. The error message logged is: ERROR:ghastoolkit.octokit:GraphQL API Status …
I am not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but it has now followed me across multiple environments (Ubunutu native, WSL2, Debian native, Windows, rasbperrypi OS, and others)