Esperimentar o offscreenCanvas para melhorar a performace do jogo
Things to consider for the 3.0.0 major version:
- [x] Drop support for old Node.js versions (14.x EOL at 2023-04-30, 16.x EOL at [2023-09-11](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/announcements/nodejs16-eol/)…
### What is the issue with the HTML Standard?
`OffscreenCanvas` can have a [detached](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#offscreencanvas-context-detached) context mode, once the `Of…
Clarify OffscreenCanvas.transferToImageBitmap and preserveDrawingBuffer
It mandates that color buffer is cleared.
Are depth and stencil buffers preserved or cleared?
> The transferToImageBitmap…
OffscreenCanvas and WebWorkers are great tools to decouple canvas related actions from the main thread, increasing efficiency and responsiveness.
Would this be an option for OSD as well? How much e…
With [OffscreenCanvas](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/OffscreenCanvas) we can use web workers. It can improve performance.
There is polyfill that simplify cross browser use.
The v3 migration guide [Known issues and limitations](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/guides/migrate-to-v3/#known-issues-and-limitations) refers to an issue with spikes visible on terrain when ru…
**System information** (Please provide as much relevant information as possible)
- Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in Mediapipe): **Yes**
- OS Platfor…
The IDL has:
typedef (HTMLImageElement or
SVGImageElement) HTMLOrSVGImageElement;
typedef (HTMLOrSVGImageElement or
HTMLVideoElement or
HTMLCanvasElement or…
Hi! I'm trying to use `tiny-sdf` in a web-worker, and `document.createElement("canvas")` isn't working because `document` isn't found on the global object.
I'm happy to make a PR that does somethin…