If we send 1M messages in a loop, the websocket connection will close with the reason 1001 automatically. (it didn't happen on other Websocket clients, such as Browser or other Java Websocket client i…
OkHttpClient does not have newWebSocketFactory function. The Scarlet instantiation need to be checked for Java, Android.
Ref:- https://square.github.io/okhttp/4.x/okhttp/okhttp3/-ok-http-client/#fu…
You have made an awesome websocket client and I appreciate it, but there is a little imp. problem.
I think most of the people must have opened this type of issue. Whenever I shut down my wifi…
При получении "java.io.EOFException: null" падает сокет переподключается, но не восстанавливает подписки. Как это отслеживать и переподписываться?
021-11-08 09:16:49.350 ERROR 23192 …
Using okhttp WebSocket as a stomp client will throws an error after about 1 min of inactivity.
java.lang.Exception: java.io.EOFException
This is because that StompProtocolAndroid h…
Currently the support for websocket is realized using the Jetty-client which is per se fine and works as expected.
As we use htmlunit in a environment with Selenium and a embedded Jetty for serving o…
是否使用了android 的api?
websocket doens't auto reconnect in case of errors, i got a couple of socket timeout and the websocket doens't reconnect, this even't aren't even easy to catch since are generated by low level library…
This is not so much of a bug and more a request/question.
Is there planned support for the websocket extension on per-message deflate compression? It's in the current socket.io JS library now, and I'…