I have already reported an issue with *dsc_host* changing configuration files permissions (https://github.com/microsoft/PowerShell-DSC-for-Linux/issues/589), a patch was created by @zjalali and merged…
gap> T1 := RandomTransformation(5);
Transformation( [ 1, 4, 1, 1 ] )
gap> T2 := RandomTransformation(5);
Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 5, 4 ] )
gap> S := Semigroup(T1, T2);
gap> MitM_OM(S);
Java OMI is a small Java "Runtime" that listen to a port of you computer.
When he received a message (not security yet) he try to translate it.
If he does, it converts it to a mouse move/click/w…
I have in my notes from the most recent STARE meeting that we need to support the datasets listed in some effort with the name "OMI."
More details are needed obviously. ;-)
@michaelleerilee do y…
Test Connection for the connected server windows in OMi returns an error:
Ping failed due to the following error: HTTP HEAD request to Connected Server 'Hubot' on node '' failed with HTTP…
that would be cool to see friend as audio device here? somehow
not sure if useful
or rather go to the sync integration path
cc @m13v
The [current docs](https://omi.readthedocs.io) seem to be outdated (0.0.2, changelog says 0.0.0).
Also, the docs would really benefit from some more explanations and references.
@musicscene reported this today at Champions sync. Could we update these little guys?
gap> MitM_OM(Rationals);
gap> MitM_OM(Integers);