See: https://github.com/openplantpathology/Mungbean_PM/blob/Adam/data/1902%20powdery%20mildew-Mungbean%20-%20Collated%20means.csv
I've split the `Fungicide` column into two cols, `dose_ai_f1_g.ha` …
@RLesur thank you for putting together such a nice package. I can't make it position at the very top left. Perhaps an issue with the css of the academic theme?
My page:
Currently the directory file will not knit if any lat/lon values are missing.
Need to check values to ensure exist and are valid when knitting or exclude from map output.
Rather than making the user enter lon/lat values, simply use *ggmap* to geocode the city location.
This makes it much more simple for the user when entering data and makes the data less likely to c…
Check if user enters full properly formed URL with "http://" or only the url, e.g. `github.com` and prepend the full `https://` to the entry.
Don't use readxl, read directly from Google
As raised by Thomas Adams in Slack.