It seem sthat everytime a browse around to have a look at adresses coming
from OSM, I run into very low quality data. Quite often importnat fields
such as the street names are missing.
It might b…
I downloaded directly from https://download.geofabrik.de/south-america/brazil/sudeste.html .pbf file. I run the following code:
`from pyrosm import OSM`
`osm = OSM(filepath=".../sudeste-latest.o…
I found the code example src/main/java/org/matsim/codeexamples/network/RunCreateNetworkFromOSM.java and
inserted my file paths downloaded from Geofabrik.com
The code with the inserted paths:
How is the coastline table in the planet_osm database meant to be populated? My first attempt, from http://openstreetmapdata.com/data/coastlines, failed miserably. I get a solid blue everywhere in my …
**Describe the bug**
I created a simple program that only reads and writes osm.pbf in parallel. It is a copy of [parallel-pbf-io.rs](https://github.com/navigatorsguild/osm-io/blob/main/examples/par…
zdila updated
2 weeks ago
Merchant name: BitcoinMission
Country: Germany
Address: Murnau am Staffelsee
Lat: 47.673459248809884
Long: 11.206910312175753
OSM: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=21/47.6734592488…
"lmaiset parkkipaikat autolle. Nyt näkyy kaikki parkkipaikat, suurin osa taloyhtiöiden ja maksullisia paikkoja mihin ei voi jttää autoa."
As illustrated in the figure below, the objective is to build a processing chain to analyse the quality of OSM data, extracted for a specified area.
According to the quality of the OSM data, new methods to enrich the data are implemented.
These methods are based on spatial and statistical analysis. For example, the height of buildings should be c…
Merchant name: 1877.audio
Country: France
Address: 251 rue des Remondieres
Lat: 45.90082207682153
Long: 4.843897819519044
OSM: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=21/45.90082207682153…