The Console shows some error.
"particles.js:1495 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByClassName' of null"
I have attempted to use particles.js in my application. I can confirm that the library is loaded, but when I attempt to initialise I get the error: `Uncaught TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'argume…
@VincentGarreau any way to get this working with class names or maybe data-id attr ?
danyj updated
7 years ago
Vincent - firstly excellent library and work. Very impressed.
To cope with reloading pages (Ajax etc), I would modify your code in the following manner to be a little more robust. Your decision.
I have been trying to use this but I am not able to get this right
I'm using Vue.JS
I installed particle.js via NPM
window.particlesJS("Animations", {
particlesJS("particles-js", {
particles: {
number: {
value: 400,
density: { enable: true, value_area: 3787.90867983490…
Im confused. I run your demos and examples all great, no probs.
But now I want to dynamically, at runtime, modify some properties.
You say I can use the pJS object
pJS.particles.color_random = true;
First, I would like to thank you Vincent for your work. The library is very impressive, and I've seen some outstanding effects created with particles-js.
However, I'm currently working on m…
In some configurations I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'r' of undefined
at Object.i.fn.interact.linkParticles (particles.min.js?ver=2.0.0:9)
at Object.i.fn.par…