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At the BIDS-ComputationalModels meeting, it became pretty clear that a wide range of applications require (or would at benefit considerably from) the ability to read in generic n-dimensional arrays fr…
Above are histograms of posterior probability distri…
Hi, I encounter the same problem as in https://github.com/facebookresearch/LAMA/issues/10.
And I found the reason why 2 examples are filtered is that the `obj_label` are `1970s` and `1990s`. And in `…
**Submitting author:** @gouverneurp (Philip Gouverneur)
**Repository:** https://github.com/gouverneurp/eVAS/
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch):
**Version:** 0.1.0
**Editor:** @britta…
Is it possible to detect the Noise from glucose readings and take appropriate action. Sometimes, we have noticed that due to compression of CGM, readings go out of range and at that time, noise …
## Keyword: differential privacy
### State-of-the-Art Approaches to Enhancing Privacy Preservation of Machine Learning Datasets: A Survey
- **Authors:** Chaoyu Zhang
- **Subjects:** Cryptography an…
Conferences to review:
- [x] https://dl.acm.org/action/doSearch?target=browse-proceedings-specific&ConceptID=118222&ConceptID=120670
- [x] https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3576050
- [ ] h…
# P2 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects | Teacher 2.0
While computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences.
# Setup:
I consider a single cuboid muscle with dimensions 3x3x14.8 cm and 4x4 fibers. Each fiber covers the whole length of the muscle(14.8cm) and has 40 points. The fibers are activated in a symmet…