RPi 5 4GB
64 GB SD Card.
Unpacked pinn64 v3.9.2 from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pinn/files/pinn64/pinn-lite.zip/download into a blank FAT32 formatted 64 GB SD Card.
replaced contents of cmdl…
Scientific ML이라 쓰고, 딥러닝을 사용한 수치해석이라 읽는 내용에 대한 튜토리얼
기간이 긴 것이, 초심자 상정하고 하는것같습니다. JAX를 주 언어로 들어갈 모양이에요
[NIMS공지 - 세부사항&참가신청](http://www.nims.re.kr/icim/post/notice/1077)
참가신청 직링크가 위 공지 따라가면 큰…
Hi, I used to use PINN to easily manage and reinstall OS's on completely headless RPi's, it always worked great and Wifi used to be setup automatically by PINN, however since Bookworm this seems not d…
Hi, I publish a paper about the PINN application for Li ion battery temp prediction.
Would you put my paper on your list?
G. Cho, M. Wang, Y. Kim, J. Kwon and W. Su, "A Physics-Informed Machine Le…
I am new to OpenFOAM, so I don't have almost any OpenFOAM programming experience.
I would like to build DL models in Python, and use the smartsim/smartredis infrastructure to to make communication be…
I tried to use Sciann for variational PINN but without success. I tried to copy the example in the article (it seems to me that no example can be found on the Github). I first generated the gri…
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I recently read your paper, "Data-driven Capacity Estimation of Commercial Lithium-ion Batteries from Voltage Relaxation," and I was really impressed by your work. Congra…
Dear Developer,
I have thoroughly read your paper "TSONN: Time-stepping-oriented neural network for solving partial differential equations," and I find it to be outstanding with significant practic…
I've been using PINN since years now and its a really great solution, always improved in a very good way. I never had any problem during installation nor update until today.
On a fully fu…