LeafMiner v 0.0.13
[Module with ESP32-WROOM-32](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006336964908.html) has USB-C with HL-340 UART, 4MB of FLASH, 30 pins, 2 buttons, 2 LEDs. It can run NerdMiner_V2 …
Refer https://community.platformio.org/t/debugger-not-starting/18338.
When attempting to debug the `nrf52_dk` board from the platform-nordicnrf52, after using "PIO Debug" in VSCode, the time until …
Is anyone working on getting the t-deck to work with Lorawan and not lora.
Hi! This may be me because I'm fairly new to IOT development, but I wanted to use this library on Platform.io instead of the arduino IDE, but it's not clear to me how to add it unofficial boards (if a…
Hi, sometime there are some Rs92 in the air but no correct decode data from the software. I updated my TTgo with V0.9.3 but the problem is the same. I think that the cause is the offline server (gssc…
Hello! In my current project, I use ESP32 and display with ILI9341. I would like to use your library, but - as a beginner - I have a lot of trouble with that. Is there somewhere documentation that des…
When i try the example code (without any Modification) i only get the following error at the serial monitor:
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
I have an ESP32-S3-Dev kit and I'm trying to incoporate ElegantOTA, I'm using VSCode and PlatoformIO.
After adding these to my platform.ini `lib_deps =
bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ 7.0.3
Hi!, I tryed flashed release 0.9 and Compiled target C3 super mini, and I get always this error:
invalid header: 0x69616620
invalid hea…
**Describe the bug**
the function dose not work with esp8266 as the FirebaseESP8266.h file does not exist. error in addon RTDBHelper.h
`#elif defined(ESP8266) || defined(MB_ARDUINO_PICO)