It would be great to be able to run the VertiPaq Analyzer against semantic models that are hosted in a Power BI Pro environment. While the XMLA endpoint is not available, much of the data might be ava…
Link to Google Drive showcasing completed Power BI Dashboard creations.
Create Power BI reports from the data repository to allow for modern and customizable visualizations that could be shared via the .pbix file. This file could then be customized and published by anyon…
**Describe the issue**
Our requirement is to deploy PBI report to Test and Prod environments from Dev, As part of that we have a deployment pipeline created, and assigned three workspaces to three en…
What info can be gleaned from the parkrun 'All Results' Summary table
**Describe the bug**
I was trying to download the PowerBI template file, The link says page not found in quick start guide.
**[URL of where you see the bug](https://github.com/Snowflake-Labs/sfgui…
## 📝 Scenario
As a **FinOps practitioner**, I need to **detect and respond to anomalies** in order to **minimize unexpected charges**
## 💎 Solution
Create an Anomaly management report that in…
![Flipkart Power BI Dashboard Snap](https://github.com/paulankan2003/Power-BI-Project/assets/124156019/9c4bb7f6-36c0-4b48-99f4-9568ffc05879)
Creating an interactive dashboard in Power BI
1.Importing dataset
2.Data Preprocessing and DAX queries.
3.Designing Dashboard and insights
## always always remember power BI works with relational table structure (2/13/2024)
If you have data in the form of a complex header (e.g. city, and then product category as column headers),