I find situations like percentages very common, but using floating pointers to print them out would be very costly.
Do you have an algorithm to deal with that?
One without precision:
For exam…
There seems to be a serious bug with the Bluestein implementation of the Fourier class.
>>> import fastmat as fm, numpy as np
>>> N, ee = 51187, 100 # prime factorization is [17, 3011],…
At the risk of opening a horrible can of worms, I'm opening this discussion to get thoughts, opinions, and feedback on the possibility of extending librosa to support just intonation where appropriate…
Add a `prime_factors.db` database, similar to `conway_polys.db`, that contains prime factorizations for `p^m +/- 1`. This will greatly speed up factoring `p^m - 1` during verification in `galois.GF(p*…
It would be very nice if SAGE had a large table/database of integers
of special forms whose factorizations are known, since a huge amount of work has already been done on this. The SAGE factor comm…
I am trying to factorize the number "945 963552 037903 692304 185224 846621 632975 583515 796777 435749 818606 681847 712555 267388 667817", which uses SIQS. It spent 45 minute finding relations (5031…
As discovered in #185, factoring `2^256 - 1` stalls out which prevents testing if degree-256 polynomials over `GF(2)` are primitive. This would likely (?) be fixed once the quadratic sieve (#146) is a…
Various PARI functions, such as `Zn_issquare` (cf. #13596), accept an integer argument in factored form. To profit from this, it is convenient to add a method `Factorization._pari_()` to convert a …
sage: list(squarefree_divisors(12))
[1, 2, 3, 6]
Component: **basic arithmetic**
_Issue created by migration from https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/5855_