Pass in an argument to libnh to set the PRNG seed so that runs become deterministic and predictable.
We should support deterministic PRNG for usage for retries, hashmaps, etc. We can accomplish this by providing a deterministic version of `RandomState`.
Each language here uses different RNGs.
If this test is for the performance of each builtin PRNG, this is fair, otherwise a single random implementation should be used for each language.
For example…
To always generate the same world, even in future versions of this game, we need to stick to one pseudo random number generator. Currently we're using a xor-shift RNG. But we should discuss and finali…
I needed to seed the PRNG with a specific value. After some poking around I found that it can be done like so:
function hex2Array(hex)
var arr = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i …
This is a a cross-post from the boost developers mailing list from App 10.
Boost.Random and the C++11 standard library ship with a 24- and a 48-bit
RANLUX pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). I …
There's a Tendermint/Cosmos hack that implements distributed PRNG, we might want to investigate: https://github.com/dgamingfoundation/tendermint/blob/dcr-random/docs/arcade/arcade.md
Align the PRNG in inkjs with the C# version so the randomness is the same on all platforms.
[The C# version can be found here.](http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/random.cs,bb77e610…
Here, same as I demonstrated in my issue #270. Here, also they are using the same pseudo random number generator mt19937 which makes the session token prediction possible. And as discussed in the issu…
This is what I get:
[usb] pm3 --> hf mf isen --collect_fm11rf08s
[#] AcquireStaticEncryptedNonces: Auth1 error
["00000000", "00000000"],
["00000000", "00000000"],