Running this (code shortened for brevity):
from pm4py.visualization.dfg import visualizer as dfg_visualizer
# ...
gviz = dfg_visualizer.apply(dfg, log=log, variant=dfg_visualizer.Variant…
I am trying to run a discovery algorithm with the data I have. I wrote the following simple code:
import pandas as pd
from pm4py.objects.log.util import dataframe_utils
from pm4py.objects.conv…
2019-11-26 09:59:59,390 : ERROR : KNIME-Worker-14 : : Node : Alignment-Based Replayer : 0:3 : Execute failed: ("NullPointerException"): null
at org.processmining.plu…
The inductive miner uses cuts of maximal size 2 rather than maximizing a found non-maximal cut.
We need to fix this (fast) as we (expect to) not have perfect replay fitness guarantees because of th…
It would be nice to have an implementation of the approaches described in http://www.processmining.org/_media/blogs/pub2016/a_unified_approach_for_measuring_precision_and_generalization_based_on_anti-…
Calculating the precision, given an alignment, sometimes takes a long time. It would be good to see where this time is spend (in the plug-in or in RapidProM) and then of course try to fix it.
Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException
Message: Graphviz-dot binary not found.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: lib\dotBinaries6\dot.exe (The system cannot find the path specified)
at java.io.FileOu…
abolt updated
8 years ago
Exception: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Message: null
Stack trace:
abolt updated
8 years ago
Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Message: Could not initialize class org.processmining.xeslite.external.MapDBStore
Stack trace:
abolt updated
8 years ago