We (will) recommend using purgecss (or other dead css remover) to strip down the great ammount of responsive classes that are not used.
Current attribute selectors are always left in the bundle.
Is there any guidance on how to include a plugin like PurgeCss to the build process of Slate? I've tried a couple things, but am somewhat lost.
I don’t want to be shipping all of bootstrap if I have no plans on using all of it. Either PurgeCSS could be used or bootstrap could just be compiled from SASS. The later is preferred as it also allow…
Doesn't look too hard:
What kind of…
Thank you for your [write up](https://www.hood-smith.me.uk/posts/custom-theme-with-tailwindcss/) and this repo! Really helpful.
I had to run:
npm i -D @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
As the title states, it'd be nice to handle all optimisations from within this tool
The following error is raised:
Error: Error building site: POSTCSS: failed to transform "css/github.min.css" (text/css): TypeError: t is not a function
at b (C:\Users\meow\project\node_modu…
What are the differences with [PurgeCSS](https://github.com/FullHuman/purgecss)?