I'm writing a flask web which using the pyttsx3. the server's OS is win server 2019, it is a vmware virtualmachine. The virtualmachine does not have an audio card.
When I using RDP(mstsc) to connect …
I'm probably doing something wrong, but comes back with Not Found (404) on my mac with python 3.9 install. I am using `dev` branch from both `DataDiVR_WebApp` an…
Error : Segmentation fault (Core dumped)
code :
import pyttsx3
engine = pyttsx3.init()
filePath = "/path/to/file"
file = open(filePath, 'r')
text = file.read()
I keep getting this error when running the code:
```/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyttsx3/__init__.py in init(driverName, debug)
19 try:
---> 20 eng = _activeEngines[…
when I input the last code for setup i get this,
$ python EDAPGui.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Tyler\EDAPGui\EDAPGui.py", line 4, in
import kthread
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pyttsx3\__init__.py", line 20, in init
eng = _activeEngines[driverName]
File "…
I'm working on a project where I'm trying to guide a subject to a particular position through speech commands. To get the position, im using OpenPose and pyttsx3 for the speech commands. Im having an …
I have code to say tts:
import pyttsx3
engine = pyttsx3.init()
engine.setProperty('rate', rate)
engine.setProperty('volume', volume)
engine.say('I will speak this text')
pyttsx3 throws a random error when trying to execute the engine. The issue is reproduced only under Linux based OS
engine = pyttsx3.init()
Current solution is to uninstall the pyth…
I have a script using pyttx3 working fine when run regularly. When run under Windows Task Scheduler, no voice is heard, although no errors are thrown. I also notice that `engine.runAndWait()` return…